While we continue to see many protests and some riots throughout America and the world, I see people who I’ve never seen before *get* it.
It’s as if a lightbulb has come on in the dark rooms of the minds of many white Americans and others around the world, illuminating and exposing the injustices and racism, biases, fear, hate that have been hiding in the shadows of those minds for generations.
These biases.
These privileges.
These prejudices.
Literally, I’ve seen it click for people like a light switch.
Now that we are gaining revelation and understanding, now that we are experiencing an awaking of sorts, do not stop with knowing. Knowing is not enough.
Now is the time to dig in deep and uproot biases may be hindering you from serving this world as your full self.
Have conversations, read books, read FB posts by Black people to gain understanding and insight, especially if they are in your friends list.
Light warms...
Light exposes...
Light leads...
Light exposes fear and removes the shadows that cause them. Racism isn’t some boogeyman hiding in the shadows - it’s living, breathing “monster” that can be defeated.
Do not fear the dark, shine the light of truth on it and see the shadows disappear and then, get to work on defeated the monster that’s been hiding in your minds.
What I'm watching: